- Konsole is a Command line interpreter, it receives command from user and send to kernel.
- Konsole is an interface between user and kernel. User give input via keyboard , Konsole receives user instruction (Alphabet character, Number, Alpha Numeric, etc...) . Kernel could not understand user's instruction, so konsole convert into machine code (0 's and 1' s).
- Konsole is a command line interfaces (CLIs) such as,only the user can give command and do all operation via keyboard without using mouse.
- It is very easiest, fastest and most powerful way to perform many tasks.
Advanced Features in Konsole:
- It has ability to use multiple terminal shells in a single window. It support multi tasking, more than one user can access konsole concurrently.
- Linux konsole sessions ---> Konsole maintained session for each konsole window.
- We can access all application of Linux operating system through konsole.
- We can connect remote host through the konsole.
- We can connect database using konsole .
Difference between the Windows command prompt and Linux Konsole:
1. Full access vs no access
In Linux, users can access the code and modified sourced code, make new feature in Konsole.
In Linux, users can access the code and modified sourced code, make new feature in Konsole.
2. Licensing freedom vs licensing restrictions
Free License ---> There is no restrictions in Linux Konsole.
Free License ---> There is no restrictions in Linux Konsole.
3. Online peer support vs paid help desk support
User can access Internet via konsole using ssh command.
User can access Internet via konsole using ssh command.
4. Centralized vs non-centralized application installation
Konsole is centralized for add or remove software into Linux.
Konsole is centralized for add or remove software into Linux.
5. Automated vs non automated removable media
It has ability to detect removable media (Pen drive, CD Drive, DVD drive..)
It has ability to detect removable media (Pen drive, CD Drive, DVD drive..)
6. Multi layered run levels vs single-layered run level
It support multiple shell in single window .
It support multiple shell in single window .
Extra Features in Session Menu:
- New Shell: New shell session open with in same window.
- New Window: Open new session in new window.
- Linux konsole: Open new Linux konsole session in same window.
- New Root Shell: Open root shell that is super user shell , through this shell we can do all administer command .
Extra Features in Edit Menu:
- Find History: using up arrow, down arrow to get previously typed command .
- Shift+Page Up (to move back a page), Shift+Page Down (to move forward a page), Shift+Up (to move up a line) and Shift+Down (to move down a line) keys (provided the History option is on).
- Find Next: It find next word in the line or in konsole window.
- Find Prev: It find previous word in the line or in konsole window.
- Save History As: It is used to save collection of command already typed in current session.
- Clear History: It is used to clear the saved command .
- Send Signal: It is used to stop, continue, Hang up, Interrupt, Terminate task, Kill task, in current session shell.
Extra Features in Setting Menu:
- Schema: To change background theme for konsole.
- History: Set history line number in konsole (Ex. 1000 lines).
- Configure Short cut: user can customized short cut key based on the user convenience
- Configure Konsole: user can configure konsole.
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