How to connect PostgreSQL with PHP:
- All of the standard PostgreSQL connection parameters are available in the connection string. The most commonly used options and their meanings are listed below:
* Dbname: Database to connect to (Default: $PGDATABASE)
* User: User name to use when connecting (Default: $PGUSER)
* password: Password for the specified user (Default: $PGPASSWORD or none)
* Host: Name of the server to connect to (Default: $PGHOST or localhost)
* hostaddr: IP address of the server to connect to (Default: $PGHOSTADDR)
* Port: TCP/IP port to connect to on the server (Default: $PGPORT or 5432)
$db_handle1 = pg_connect("dbname=database1");
$db_handle2 = pg_connect("dbname=database2");
- PHP provides a number of simple functions for retrieving information on the current database connection based on the connection handle provided. Such functions include:
* pg_dbname() -- Returns the name of the current database
* pg_host() -- Returns the hostname associated with the current connection
* pg_options() -- Returns the options associated with the current connection
* pg_port() -- Returns the port number of the current connection
* pg_tty() -- Returns the TTY name associated with the current connection
PostgreSQL Functions to retrieve information from Database:
1. pg_fetch_all:
$result = pg_exec("SELECT * from expense_master");
echo "<br><br>";print_r($print0);
Array ( [0] => Array ( [exp_id] => 4 [exp_desc] => Rent [exp_code] => re04 ) [1] => Array ( [exp_id] => 5 [exp_desc] => Electricity [exp_code] => eb05 ) )
2. pg_fetch_array:
$result = pg_exec("SELECT * from expense_master");
$print1=pg_fetch_array($result,0); // OR $print1=pg_fetch_array($result);
echo "<br><br>";print_r($print1);
Array ( [0] => 4 [exp_id] => 4 [1] => Rent [exp_desc] => Rent [2] => re04 [exp_code]=> re04 )
3. pg_fetch_assoc:
$result = pg_exec("SELECT * from expense_master");
echo "<br><br>";print_r($print2);
Array ( [exp_id] => 4 [exp_desc] => Rent [exp_code] => re04 )
4. pg_fetch_object:
$result = pg_exec("SELECT * from expense_master");
echo "<br><br>";print_r($print3);
stdClass Object ( [exp_id] => 5 [exp_desc] => Electricity [exp_code] => eb05 )
5. pg_fetch_result:
$result = pg_exec("SELECT * from expense_master");
echo "<br><br>";print_r($print4);
6. pg_fetch_row:
$result = pg_exec("SELECT * from expense_master");
echo "<br><br>";print_r($print5);
Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => Electricity [2] => eb05 )
7. pg_fetch_all_columns:
$result = pg_exec("SELECT * from expense_master");
echo "<br><br>";print_r($print6);
Array ( [0] => Rent [1] => Electricity )
PHP Program to connect PostgreSQL:
Note : Red Color fonts denotes the Function Name
$username = "madumeena";
$password = "meena123";
$hostname = "localhost";
$dbname = "testingdb";
// Connecting to database
$link = pg_connect("dbname=$dbname user=$username password=$password");
if ($link)
echo 'Connection attempt succeeded.';
echo 'Connection attempt failed.';
// Performing SQL query
pg_exec("SET SEARCH_PATH TO _100123");
$result = pg_exec("SELECT * from expense_master");
// Print the output
echo "<br><br>";print_r($print0);
echo "<br><br>";print_r($print1);
echo "<br><br>";print_r($print2);
echo "<br><br>";print_r($print3);
echo "<br><br>";print_r($print4);
echo "<br><br>";print_r($print5);
echo "<br><br>";print_r($print6);
// Print whole table of expense_master in tabular format
echo "<table border=1 align=center>";
echo "<thead>";
echo "<th> Expense ID </th>";
echo "<th> Expense Description </th>";
echo "<th> Expense Code </th>";
if (pg_num_rows($result) != 0)
while ($row = pg_fetch_array($result))
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>".$row['exp_id']."</td>";
echo "<td>".$row['exp_desc']."</td>";
echo "<td>".$row['exp_code']."</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
// Print the Connection Information
echo "<h2>Connection Information</h2>";
echo "Database name:" . pg_dbname($link) . "<br>\n";
echo "Hostname: " . pg_host($link) . "<br>\n";
echo "Options: " . pg_options($link) . "<br>\n";
echo "Port: " . pg_port($link) . "<br>\n";
echo "TTY name: " . pg_tty($link) . "<br>\n";
// Closing connection
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